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Tonje Blomseth | Outdoors content creator & solo adventures
Healy, AK, United States
I make content based on every day life living in Alaska but also from smaller adventures and big expeditions. I have 10 years experience in filming documentary tv and 12 years in social media marketing. I can provide rugged, non polished images and video from Alaskan backcountry right outside my door step. I have a huge passion for wilderness and extreme adventures, hence living in the north :)
3 Instagram Stories
4 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
All photos are taken with professional camera set up in specific sceneries in Alaska.
I value my long standing followers and have been very brand l…See More
1 Instagram Reel
Professionally filmed and edited in different softwares.
I value my long standing followers and have been very brand loyal, so I choose to price ba…See More
2 UGC Product Videos
I have the advantage of living in the backcountry in interior Alaska, which makes extreme nature accessible right out side my door. I like to make co…See More
10 UGC Product Photos
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.