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Alessia Labate | Musician and Content Creator focused on beauty and fashion
Milan, Italy
I'm a musician and I focus on my music and image on social media: fashion, beauty, travelling and sustainability are part of my brand.
2 Instagram Stories
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will create photos and/or videos showcasing the products on myself. I can also give my opinion about it if required.
1 Instagram Reel (60 Seconds)
I will create a max 60-sec high quality video with a videomaker showcasing and talking about the product in a creative way. I can also try it on / sh…See More
1 Twitter Tweet
I tweet the content we previously created for other platforms talking about the product and I'll make a tweet about it. I can also try it on / show p…See More
1 UGC Unboxing
I'll create video unboxing the product following your requirements using my iphone 12 pro. No editing
1 UGC Product Photo
I'll create photo showcasing the product in a creative way following your requirements with iphone cameras.
1 UGC Tutorial
I'll create a professional tutorial with a team of video artist following your requirements, showing how to use the product in a creative way. No edi…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.