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Sujoy Sardar | YouTube Cha
Kolkata, WB, India
I run a gaming-focused YouTube channel with 7,000 subscribers, primarily dedicated to FC Mobile pack-opening videos. My channel attracts 5,000–7,000 views per video on average, engaging an audience that enjoys mobile gaming content.
1080 UGC Product Videos (2 Minutes)
In my short-form videos, I offer a quick, dynamic showcase of your product or brand in a way that directly resonates with my audience. These bite-siz…See More
720 UGC Product Photos
As a content creator in the mobile gaming space, I specialize in creating engaging and authentic content around FC Mobile. Through my pack-opening vi…See More
1080 YouTube Shorts (60 Seconds)
1080 YouTube Videos (2 Minutes)
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.