
Nicholas Laplante | DIY Content Creator, professional cosplayer
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Nick has been creating movie prop replicas and costumes since his adolescence, and combined with his passion for videography, he has begun to share his passion to the world in recent years. Now with a dedicated fanbase, Nick is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of creators in STEM by blending cosplay with the science of 3D printing as well as as many other useful skills and technologies. Thanks to his time as a highschool teacher, Nick has transfered these skills to his content creation, teaching hundreds of thousands of viewers the skills he's acquired along his cosplay journey!
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1 Instagram Reel
1 TikTok Video
1 YouTube Short
1 YouTube Video
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.