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Direct Action Inc | #1 U.S. Navy SEAL/Spec Ops Candidate & Civilian Training Program
Santa Monica, CA, United States
Team Eagle One is a military prep program for special warfare candidates. We create content from our live training on Santa Monica beach, two times a week. Candidates are pushing themselves past their limits to run faster, go harder, and do whatever it takes to become the warriors the US can depend on. The content is real and raw. As candidates run into the surf to do sugar cookies, sprint across the sand, belly crawl, do push ups and pull ups, Coach Mac motivates the team with inspiring words and lessons that are crucial for success in special warfare, and in life. Our audience is composed of young people looking to join the military, veterans, and everyday Americans who are motivated and inspired by the sheer effort the candidates put forth and by Coach Mac's mentorship.
3 UGC Product Videos
15 still photos and 3 videos of your products in action. This is best suited to fitness apparel, athletic/sports brands, and nutrition brands. You ca…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
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