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Aiyna Dhillon | Motherhood and Lifestyle Content Creator
Vancouver, BC, Canada
My name is Aiyna, otherwise known as Milan's Mama. My blog and Instagram focuses on all things related to motherhood, lifestyle, children's and women's fashion, food, and travel. My audience is mainly women, mother's and parents. I love being a mother and sharing my helpful tips, recipes, and advice to parents, women, and mothers
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will create a high-quality photo(s) to showcase your product on my Instagram feed. I will speak about your product in my caption and direct my foll…See More
1 Instagram Reel (60 Seconds)
I will create a high-quality 60-second video to showcase your product on my Instagram feed. I will speak about your product in my caption and direct …See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.