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Alexander Reinholdsson | Colorist and filmmaker nerding in on gear and reviews
Zwolle, Netherlands
A channel about filmmaking, business as a creative and about the gear I use to make my life as a content creator easier. I share my best tips regarding how to maximize your creativity and at same time also help you grow your business. This is a channel niched towards creators, and especially creators in the midfield/intermediate setup.
3 Instagram Stories
We discuss what you want and deliver on that. You will also have the images for your socials
3 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
3 photos under a period of time showcasing use of a product or similar. you will have the full right to use images as well, will be provided
3 Instagram Reels (45 Seconds)
A reel of BTS use of the products or a video showcasing the product. Will deliver reel for your account to use also.
1 UGC Testimonial/Review (2 Minutes)
1 UGC Product Video
3 UGC Product Photos
3 UGC Video Ads (59 Seconds)
3 YouTube Shorts (50 Seconds)
A reel of BTS use of the products or a video showcasing the product. Will deliver reel for your account to use also.
1 YouTube Video (9 Minutes)
A sponsored video with your product highlighted and with a review type video or i highlight video
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience is men and women age 16-45 interested mainly in filmmaking and photography but also interested in tech making a creators life easier. It is the people that usually just turned pro or that is thinking about turning professionals and how to balance and get clients.
What brands have you worked with?
Hollyland, Ulanzi, ETangent, Blackmagic design, Panasonic, Zhiyun Tech, Velium, Shimbol, Comica, Pmi gear, obsot, video village, dehancer, adobe,accsoon, zeapon, Slite, Aivascope, iFootage, Aparo, and many more