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Ally Christina | Family, Motherhood, & Lifestyle Content Creator
Frederick, MD, United States
Ally Responds Fast
Ally responds to requests faster than most creators.
I am a young mother and have a sweet baby boy (now two years old!)… and expecting another baby boy in April of 2023!!! I enjoy creating content with him every day about our daily lives while having fun. My target audience is other mothers who are expecting or currently have children, as well as those who have baby fever and want children in the future. On my personal IG, I enjoy sharing all things about my lifestyle whether it comes family, fitness, beauty, nursing, motherhood…you name it! I would love to create fun & cute content for YOU!
3 Instagram Stories
Content depending on type of collaboration
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Photo based on type of collaboration and product. Will use captions and hashtags approved by brand
1 Instagram Reel
Based on a current trend, unboxing haul, using a specific product by your brand, etc.
1 TikTok Video
15-60 second video based on type of collaboration with approved caption and hashtags
1 UGC Product Photo
Photo upon request of product based on collaboration
1 UGC Unboxing (90 Seconds)
Type of video based on collaboration and request. 15-90 seconds
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.