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Anazi Ngcobo | Plus size fashion content and beauty. Lifestyle content as well.
Tembisa, GT, South Africa
My name Is Anazi Ngcobo, I am a plus size content creator. I specialise in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. I love what I do because people who look like me are afraid to flaunt their beauty due to social norms. I love experimenting and exploring new ways to make my content better.
3 Instagram Stories
Normally, I repost and tag the featured brand with a brief description of what the campaign is about.
2 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
High quality pictures of myself wearing/featuring your brand with a detailed description in the caption.
2 Instagram Reels (60 Seconds)
A detailed reel of me wearing your brand or applying makeup while I do commentary voice overs in the background. Makeup videos are shot in my home st…See More
3 TikTok Stories
Normally, I repost and tag the featured brand with a brief description of what the campaign is about.
2 TikTok Videos (60 Seconds)
A detailed reel of me wearing your brand or applying makeup while I do commentary voice overs in the background. Makeup videos are shot in my home st…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My main target audience is the plus size community, but I also do beauty and body hygiene, women of all ages are also my target.
What brands have you worked with?
I have done campaigns for Dark and Lovely, Clere, Temu, Micas, Cadbury, albany and avon.