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Andrea Ibarra | Travel & Lifestyle Content Creator || Latina in NYC/NJ
Little Ferry, NJ, United States
Hello, my name is Andrea. I’m a travel & lifestyle content creator based in NYC & NJ. I love sharing my passion for travel with my audience, and inspiration from my daily lifestyle such as home decor, skincare and fashion.
My audience is mostly women and Latinx people. My overall goal is to be a helpful resource and inspiration for all things travel and lifestyle.
1 Instagram Reel
1 reel promotion your product or service in a creative and spontaneous way. Use of video for your own purposes.
3 Instagram Stories
3 stories back to back
•showing your service or product in an aesthetic way
•reviewing your service or product
•asking my audience to engage
…See More
1 TikTok Video (30 Seconds)
A :30s TikTok video including the following
•showing your product or service
•reviewing your product or service
•incorporating your product or …See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.