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Anna Naumenko | UGC Influencer | Photographer | Video maker
London, LND, United Kingdom
I have always had an eye for beauty and the ability to see the extraordinary in the everyday. My unique perspective have always been appreciated by those around me, inspiring me to share my vision with a wider audience.
I create engaging content focused on beauty, lifestyle, and self-care. From stylish and easy-to-wear jewelry to practical home goods that bring comfort and elegance I love showcasing products that make life both beautiful and convenient.
With a global audience spanning the UK, USA, Canada and European countries, I aim to connect with people who appreciate effortless style and thoughtful recommendations. My goal is to create a space where viewers can discover new favorites!
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.