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Ashley Harseim | Sometimes consumed by chronic conditions. Sharing way too much (:
Manhattan, NY, United States
Voted most unique for my middle school superlative and most changed in high school. Once a normal young adult who’s now navigating my late 20’s while also being diagnosed with about 20+ different chronic conditions, life with medical devices, the first being a feeding tube and of course severe anxiety. Determined to not let these conditions consume me by sharing probably way too much and enjoying what I can. Especially the little things like clothes I can find that are still comfortable despite the constant pain and bloat, companies willing to make products that make a now needed accessible life that much easier, food I can still eat without getting sick and the random good days.
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Story post using your product with a review and tag with your business, I will disclose that I’m getting paid for doing the review but I will always …See More
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Photo post with 2-4 photos using your product with a review and tag with your business, I will disclose that I’m getting paid for doing the review bu…See More
1 Instagram Reel
Reel post using your product with a review and tag with your business, I will disclose that I’m getting paid for doing the review but I will always b…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.