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Raffaella Caso | vegan food, meal prep and green lifestyle
Milan, Italy
BabyGreen is a platform inspired by the values of sustainability and eco-friendly life.
The community is made up of families with children interested in a sustainable and natural life.
92% women
with children
with bachelor's degree
45% 35-44 years
31% 25-34 years
1) organized and sustainable kitchen: meal prep, meal plan, anti-waste solutions
2) green food: vegetable and vegan recipes
3) conscious spending: where, how, when
4) zero waste in the kitchen and at home
5) green travel and family holidays
1 Instagram Story
1 set of IG Stories (approx. 7-8 clips)
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1 Instagram Reel
1 Reel
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December 2023
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December 2023
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