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Benjamin Yawou | Student Entrepreneur
Auckland, AUK, New Zealand
I’m a young and eager person with a wide following of car enthusiasts and business enthusiasts on my TikTok and Instagram. I’m aspiring to become a more successful entrepreneur and social media influencer and use my social media platforms to help other brands grow and succeed. Photography, E-commerce and Crypto is what I love right now but when it comes to my social media platform I’m interested in working with you to advertise and help your platform grow in whatever category that may be.
1 Instagram Story
Anything you need advertised I’ll post on my Instagram story with a link to your social platform or website or whatever you would like me to say or b…See More
1 Instagram Reel
I’ll post a reel for whatever advertisement you need
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Advertising your product/niche on my feed either a photo, video or both
1 TikTok Video
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.