
Teya Esguerra | I host a true crime podcast
Burlington, ON, Canada
My name is Teya and I am the host of a true crime podcast. On there I tell stories of horrific true crime cases from all over the world.My audience ranges from 18+. In my packages I will be offering exposure on
YouTube, Spotify, and Google podcasts (and soon on Apple podcasts as well) I also have a private Instagram which I have about 1.8k followers on, on there I can also promote as well
1 UGC Video Ad (60 Seconds)
This package includes a 1 minute and that will be broadcasted on 3 platforms, Spotify, Google podcasts, and YouTube. Package can take up to a week to…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.