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Daisha Dorsey | Authentic, energetic, bright , team player
Baltimore, MD, United States
Hi I’m dai and I am working on a platform as a model for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities to not only show them they can do it but to be a living proof that it can be done due to having a chronic illness myself some days are hard but I push through them because I know I have a purpose and I believe one day when it’s all said and done I will have made my mark on the industry!
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience is who ever can understand that life is hard especially when your suffering with a chronic illness or disability a lot of people lose hope and I wanna use my platform to let them know to keep pushing and going because if that dream is really for you then nothing can stop you and I state that in the most realistic way due to having a chronic illness myself and yet still accomplishing so much with in the 3 years of modeling I will leave a mark in this industry to not count us out
What brands have you worked with?
Bet plus , fashion republic magazine, MAC magazine, echoine. Collab , wedding catalogue, full bloom international magazine