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Melissa Garcia | NYC Living
New York, NY, United States
Hello, my name is Melissa Garcia. I'm an ex-pat Aussie navigating motherhood in NYC one tantrum at a time. My daughter is five years old and has such a big personality. I'm also a food and wine enthusiast. I love working with brands to create content that encourages my audience to live, laugh, love, and explore. I create IG Posts/Stories/Reels/Videos. I take pride in my media content to ensure that I meet each brand's standards of excellence. I would love to collaborate with brands that share my enthusiasm and love my content. Thank You!
1 Instagram Story
1-3 15-second stories.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1x static post/carousel.
1 Instagram Reel
!x IG reel
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.