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Bruna Augusto | Lifestyle | UGC | SocioCultural Trips
Atibaia, SP, Brazil
Welcome to my world of studies, travel, creativity and freedom! I'm Bruna, a globetrotter mother who believes in creating memories and adventures are the path to children's development, prioritizing health, volunteering, studies, art and technology. Through my platform, I inspire people to pursue knowledge and their passions, build a fulfilling life that combines family, adventure and self-care. My love for cultures knows no bounds and I am constantly exploring new destinations with my children. Through our travel stories, I aim to inspire families to leave their comfort zones, show that it is possible to travel in different ways and create new perspectives for their children's future, with respect for different cultures and peoples. Health and fitness play a vital role in my life.
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December 2023
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December 2023
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Who is your audience?
My audience is 25 - 55 years old. They like tips for daily reflection, seek personal growth, food and financial education. Many followers in Portuguese-speaking countries, the EU in general and Japan.
What brands have you worked with?
ReCivitas Institute
New Experience