Collabstr | Promote with Bryanhicksjr (@bryanhicksjr) | TikTok & UGC Influencer
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Photo of Bryanhicksjr
Photo of Bryanhicksjr
Photo of Bryanhicksjr
Photo of Bryanhicksjr
Photo of Bryanhicksjr
Photo of Bryanhicksjr

Bryanhicksjr | UGC Content Creator

Lincoln, NE, United States
TikTok logo 0.0k Followers
I am UGC Content Creator(55k Followers). I am looking to add value to your brand by creating high-level content that will lead to conversions. I provide videos that will help with retention and have a personality potential prospects will like, thus leading to more people buying your stuff. My work consists of creating x amount of videos for your brand with a flat fee. Whether you need vertical or horizontal video. Giving you the rights to each video I make for you to your heart's content. Whether you want to run or post ads on your social media, I look forward to working together! I've worked with hundreds of brands over the years. The best way I can help ease my client's needs is by responding quickly and ensuring quality that mimics my content.
How Collabstr worksHow does it work?
2 TikTok Videos (60 Seconds)
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1 UGC Unboxing (15 Seconds)
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2 UGC Product Videos (60 Seconds)
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2 UGC Video Ads (60 Seconds)
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3 UGC Product Videos (60 Seconds)
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4 UGC Product Videos (60 Seconds)
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5 Reviews  ·  4.9
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 100,000 across the globe.
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 100,000 across the globe.


What brands have you worked with?

I've worked with many brands—big and small. I've recently worked with brands like Gillette Razor, Newegg, Soundcore, Anker, etc. My professionalism and strategy are the reason I can work with huge brands. I am using my skills to offer a deal to a big-name brand like Gillette that they couldn't resist. Most of them reach out to my manager through my TikTok profile. However, I will sometimes approach the brands using my email.

Who is your audience?

My audience consists mostly of 18-24 year olds. Roughly 85% are male, and the rest are the opposite sex. My audience likes fast-paced content that challenges their brains to think. I talk about gaming computers, for example. Composing lists of what to use and not to use. I am challenging my audience to think for themselves and question what pieces of tech would be more beneficial to buy than others. I engage with them through the comments. Most of my audience will debate in the comments, arguing which PC part is better. It's a good time.