
Calah Young | Unexplained Infertility & Lifestyle Influencer
New Braunfels, TX, United States
Hi There,
I am a social media micro-influencer who started by sharing my story about unexplained infertility and pregnancy loss. I found peace and comfort in sharing my story in hopes that it would comfort others who have a similar story! In the process, I fell in love with creating content and starting blogging about not only unexplained infertility and pregnancy loss but also everyday life!
My content reaches 315K+ views ranging from ages 18-35 being 95% women and 86% USA
1 TikTok Video
One high quality TikTok video featuring your products from choice and how it works in everyday life!
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.