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Caleb Schuelke | Entrepreneur, Personal Coaching, Dating Advice, Comedy, Military, Athlete
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
I try to target relationships and give advice for both bettering yourself as a person, as well as tips for succeeding in business, school, and being a more productive being.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
This will include a sponsored post where I will personally shoutout your brand and offer a deal to my followers to engage with your brand.
1 TikTok Video (15 Seconds)
This includes up to a 15 second video where I will briefly showcase your brand, explaining the benefits behind your product and reasons to buy or eng…See More
1 TikTok Story
This will contain a 24 hour story post on TikTok which will start around a time of your choosing and feature your product/brand/idea.
1 TikTok Video (60 Seconds)
This includes up to a minute video where I will showcase your brand, explaining the benefits behind your product and reasons to buy or engage from a …See More
1 TikTok Live (1 Hour)
This will include a 1 hr LIVE Session where I will go Live and talk about your business/brand and convince followers to engage with your content.
1 YouTube Short (15 Seconds)
This includes up to a 15 second video where I will showcase your brand, explaining the benefits behind your product and reasons to buy or engage from…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.