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Celissa Perez | Fashion lifestyle
New York, NY, United States
Hello, I'm a social media micro influencer, who creates vlogs, fashion and lifestyle content. Im a New York City girl that loves to create! Through my content on YouTube and Instagram, I take my Vicwers on an exciting journey. My platform is a place where they can let go from the real world for a few minutes. Whether it's reviewing products, vlogs or clothing hauls, I take pride in telling a story that viewers can enjoy and most importantly, gain something new from the information I provide.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1 YouTube Video
You would get one dedicated video depending on what type of item it is if it is clothing that all dedicated an entire video to the clothing if it’s s…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.