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Charity Zappone | I am a lifestyle & relationship content creator!
Saint Augustine, FL, United States
My name is Charity Zappone and I would never turn down a new wild adventure. From dancing in my kitchen, to dancing in the rain, I would never say no to time spent inside or out. (As long as I get to spend it with friends!) My goal is to show people my true self, and for others to feel they can do the same. I will inspire others with m y passion for style, adventure, and relationship advice/content. I hope to be able to work together to use my platform for inspiration.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
This includes 1 instagram feed post, which contains multiple slides of good quality , authentic, images. It also includes a story image with the prod…See More
1 TikTok Video
The video would be designed up with a current trend to gain more traction. The video would also be directed in a way I know would resonate well with …See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.