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Christal Frost Anderson | Media Maven, Travel & Entertainment Guru, Community Collaborator
Traverse City, MI, United States
I am a Traverse City based media personality who loves travel, beauty & fashion trends, DIY, home improvement, family friendly experiences, community service and organization hacks. I have launched several juice cleanse influencer campaigns for clients and regular road trip travel campaigns that focus on community based experiences.
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1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Instagram photo post with explanation of product/experience and influencer endorsement (influencer must first try the product before endorsing)
1 Instagram Story
Instagram story post with explanation of product/experience and influencer endorsement (influencer must first try the product before endorsing)
1 Instagram Reel
Instagram reels post with explanation of product/experience and influencer endorsement (influencer must first try the product before endorsing)
1 UGC Product Video
I will create customized video content for your product including shooting and editing. Price is per hour.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.