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Mercedes Cain | Home Content Creator
Charleston, SC, United States
My name is Mercedes and I’m a real estate TikTok micro- influencer and content creator based in Charleston SC. My content highlights home buyer programs with the goal of increasing awareness among minority and underserved communities.
I have an advantage as a micro influencer vs a mega influencer because my followers view me as a genuine source for information. I pride myself on responding to every comment and message that I receive. I spend time speaking with all of my followers. I have 31K+ followers. By creating valuable content I have found great success, and possess a truly engaged audience of followers who value my recommendations. For example, one of my recent posts achieved 618.2k view,72.8k likes, and 1425 comments.
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short form video with usage rights for 6 months ( Not posted by me. This is content creation for your brand. )
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December 2023
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December 2023
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