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Danessy Auguste | Comedy, fashion, and beauty content creator
Boston, MA, United States
Hello and welcome,
My name is Danessy Auguste, I am a 20 year old influencer and comedy content creator from Boston, Massachusetts. I have 883k+ on Tik Tok. I have a large female following from 15-24 years old on that platform. And according to my analytics, I average 7.2 million views every 7 days. I share hair products, clothing brands and do product reviews. I have 14.7k on instagram, so I would be happy to post instagram stories or just regular posts. I have consistent views and my username for both of those platforms are danessyauguste. I am energetic and quick to share products I love. Please reach out to me separately with different prices you have in mind.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I can post a picture on my instagram of your products and a story.
1 TikTok Video
I can do one Tik Tok for $800. I can obviously tag and send the post to you before I post.
3 TikTok Videos
This package comes with 3 videos on my Tik Tok, not all in the same week, but within 3 weeks. I have complete creative freedom.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.