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Daniela Patricia Guedes Leitao | London Based Travel Blogger and Vlogger
London, LND, United Kingdom
Hi there! I'm Dani, a Portuguese Travel Blogger and Vlogger based in London. I create complete guides about each location as I love exploring hidden gems and not only the popular spots on each destination. I am passionate about photography and adventure! You can find me on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and on my blog! :)
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1 UGC Blog
I will write a dedicated blog post about your product if relevant to my audience
2 UGC Video Ads
I will be delivering the following: 1 Instagram Reel and TikTok video (showing the product, using an applicable trending audio - to increase the reac…See More
1 YouTube Short
Your product will be having a short mention on one of my YouTube videos - I will make it relevant to the video!
1 YouTube Video
If relevant to my audience, I will be creating a YouTube video completely dedicated to your product
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.