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Dayne Greiner | Musician, Student, Health and Lifestyle
Calgary, AB, Canada
I'm a 21 year old musician from Calgary, Alberta. I am attending the University of Calgary and studying Commerce. At the same time I am part of a band that has been nominated for a number of Alberta Music Awards including Fans' Choice and I was asked to audition for America's Got Talent live in LA. Aside from music my other passion is health, sports and fitness. I have recently partnered with health and fitness brands such as "Titan" in order to help encourage my followers to stay active and remain in control of their life during this crazy time. My following is mainly on TikTok (63K), Instagram (4K) and YouTube (1K) and between the ages of 15 and 24.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
2 TikTok Videos
2 video posts (spaced out over a week). I am open to discussion about what you are looking for in terms of content/vibe. Repost as an Instagram reel …See More
1 YouTube Video (7 Minutes)
7-10 minute video reviewing, unboxing, etc...
I will do all the editing, filming, and post an Instagram story/TikTok promoting the YouTube video w…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.