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Katie Schimmel | Dancing, Fitness & Health Food Creator
San Francisco, CA, United States
I am Disco Katie! I have 40,000 followers on TicTok & 2500 on IG. I create original dance videos and food tutorials. I also do a lot of clever trends! I promote positive thinking, body positivity and natural wellness! I love to dress up and have a winning smile that warms the hearts of everybody I meet! I have faced many challenges and overcome depression naturally. I am here to help people love themselves and find alternative ways to heal their depression. I am in school currently in San Francisco studying fitness and dance! I am 42 years old. One of my messages is that you are never too old to learn something new. I am also sober for over two years and help people a lot with my story. I would love to collab with brands in health foods, fitness & wellness!
5 TikTok Videos
I will create five videos dancing, trends or with my food content. I could also do longer food tutorials with food products. I can also do fashion tr…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.