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Elizaveta Fedorova | Beauty, fashion and lifestyle content creator
Munich, Germany
Hi, my name is Lisa and I create beauty, fashion and aesthetic lifestyle content. I love neutral tones and minimal vibes. Most of my audience is female aged 18 to 35 and is particularly interested in fashion and beauty.
1 Instagram Reel (15 Seconds)
I will create and post an Instagram reel about your product, up to 15 sec((incl. editing and captions)
3 UGC Product Photos
3 high-quality photos of your choice - model, styled product, flatlay, texture etc.(inkl. concept and editing)
1 UGC Product Video (15 Seconds)
I will create a video promoting/unboxing-using your product, up to 15 sec(incl. concept, editing, captions)
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.