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Simon Howard | Genealogist, Content Creator, Family History Researcher
King's Lynn, NFK, United Kingdom
I am a genealogist/content creator who researches true people and share findings on Facebook and TikTok. I have 44k followers on FB and 120k on TikTok. My most successfull videos are - "Pick a random grave and research their life."
3 TikTok Stories
1 TikTok Video (3 Minutes)
- 1 video where I present my work while including your brand whether that's a DNA website or a clothing brand for males.
- a video that solely conc…See More
1 UGC Tutorial (3 Minutes)
1 UGC Testimonial/Review (3 Minutes)
1 YouTube Short (1 Minute)
1 YouTube Video (3 Minutes)
- 1 video where I present my work while including your brand whether that's a DNA website or a male clothing brand.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.