Collabstr | Promote with Annika Swanson (@fitnessbyanni) | Instagram, TikTok & YouTube Influencer
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Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson
Photo of Annika Swanson

Annika Swanson | Fitness Content Creator

Chicago, IL, United States
Instagram logo 0.0k Followers
TikTok logo 0.0k Followers
YouTube logo 0.0k Followers
Amazon logo 0.0k Followers
I am super excited to tell you a bit more about me and my background! My name is Annika Swanson and I am a Senior in the Kelley School of Business (#8 in the nation overall) at Indiana University. I am triple majoring in Marketing (#3 program in the nation), Professional Sales, and Management. I have been able to take what has been taught to me in the classroom and apply it to my growing brand: fitnessbyanni. I started fitnessbyanni on May 23rd, 2021. My niche is health and fitness along with teaching my viewers how to become their happiest and healthiest self free from the scale, calorie counting, overexercising, and eating disorders. Through fitnessbyanni, I have been able to pair what I have learned in the classroom with what I have learned through my own experience!
How Collabstr worksHow does it work?
3 Instagram Stories
With this package, I will post 3 story posts on my Instagram. I can post the 3 in a row or I can scatter them throughout the week. I can also put the…See More
Instagram logo
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
With this package, I will post a photo of your product on my Instagram account with a dedicated reviewing of the product.
Instagram logo
1 Instagram Reel
With this package, I will create an Instagram Reel for your company. My reels average at least tens of thousands of views with multiple reels getting…See More
Instagram logo
1 TikTok Video
TikTok logo
3 TikTok Videos
In order to expand your reach, this package includes 3 TikToks (1 lifestyle, 1 trendy video & 1 dedicated ad video) each placed 3-4 days apart. This …See More
TikTok logo
6 TikTok Videos
In order to expand your reach, this package includes 6 TikToks (2 lifestyles, 2 trendy videos & 2 dedicated ad videos). This gives the product/servic…See More
TikTok logo
10 UGC Video Ads
With this package, I will create up to 10 videos for the month for your company. This could be one video posted on your account every 3 days. With t…See More
User Generated Content logo
30 UGC Video Ads
With this package, I will create up to 30 videos for the month for your company (basically being the face of your TikTok account). This could be one…See More
User Generated Content logo
60 UGC Video Ads
With this package, I will create up to 60 videos for the month for your company (basically being the face of your TikTok account). This could be 2 v…See More
User Generated Content logo
90 UGC Video Ads
With this package, I will create up to 90 videos for the month for your company (basically being the face of your TikTok account). This could be 3 vi…See More
User Generated Content logo
1 YouTube Short
With this package, I will create a YouTube Short for your company. My shorts average at least tens of thousands of views.
YouTube logo
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Annika Swanson's portfolio content
5 Reviews  ·  4.9
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 130,000 across the globe.
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 130,000 across the globe.


Who is your audience?

My audience is 85% female/15% male and primarily 18-44 year olds. My top countries are the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada and my top cities are Sydney, Chicago, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Houston. My followers are people who want to improve their life in some aspect, whether that be their relationship with food, exercise, their body, or relationships in general. I act as a "big sister" to my audience, giving them advice and tips on all different parts of life including health, wellness, college, friendship, romantic relationships, and more.

What brands have you worked with?

I have worked with major companies such as Yogi Tea, the Flo app, Kopari Beauty, RENPHO, Dossier, and LesserEvil, and have been featured in renowned media outlets including Business Insider, Daily Mail, and Yahoo.