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Krystal | Content Creator
Diamond, MO, United States
Hey! I’m a mom of 3 girls, a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, and I homeschool my kids. My faith in Jesus guides a lot of what I do, so you’ll see me sharing content on fitness, nutrition, homeschooling tips, and intentional living. I’m all about helping women take care of themselves—mind, body, and spirit. My audience is mostly other moms, especially Christian women who want to balance faith, family, and fitness, all while homeschooling or just trying to live a healthy, more intentional life.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
Moms in their 30's who are homeschooling, faith based, fitness and health minded, live with intention or women who are seeking this life style. Women looking to leave the hustle culture behind and care for their kids, homes and self the right way and get to the basics.