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David Gideon | Gen X UGC Creator and Dadpreneur
Fort Worth, TX, United States
I'm Gideon, a Gen X Dadpreneur. I'm a dad of two and an entrepreneur with a background in digital marketing and eCom. I used to run a full-service digital agency, and I have successfully launched and scaled my own eCom brand with paid ads and influencer marketing. I'm passionate about helping other dads achieve their business goals while prioritizing family. My background in digital marketing, combined with my focus on the gen x dadpreneur niche, allows me to create highly targeted content. I specialize in product reviews, tutorials, and lifestyle videos. I enjoy creating content that is both informative and entertaining, focusing on authenticity, relatability, and practical solutions.
1 UGC Product Photo
I will take well-lit, high-resolution images with your product. I will make sure it's a photo that will drive engagement.
1 UGC Product Video (60 Seconds)
I will create a 60 seconds or less captivating video of your product. It will be well lit and edited, with great sound quality. I will Include B-roll…See More
1 UGC Video Ad (60 Seconds)
I will create a 60 seconds or less captivating video for your product. It will be well lit, well edited, with great sound quality. I can speak direct…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
What brands have you worked with?
I’ve worked with brands like Base Power, where I showcased their innovative home battery systems through engaging UGC. I'm actively seeking brand partnerships and eager to collaborate with brands that align with my "dadpreneur" and family-focused lifestyle. I'm confident in my ability to create high-quality UGC that drives results.
Who is your audience?
My audience is other people like me who are hardworking Gen Xers and parentpreneurs – parents who are also entrepreneurs, business owners, or aspiring to start their own businesses. They are typically aged 30-55, married with children (ranging from elementary school to high school age), and are actively seeking ways to balance their family life with their professional ambitions.