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Gluten.Mania - Ella Dembo | Gluten Mania - your home for baking
Toronto, ON, Canada
Once upon a time, somebody told me: "You smell like a cookie." - 5K cookies later.
Here I am (-:
Baking is my love language.
Ella dembo, a Gluten Mania influencer from Ontario, Canada! A master's degree, dynamic business owner, and 50-year-old mother of three boys bring a passion for gluten-filled delights.
With a knack for cooking and baking, I share a delicious mix of homemade recipes, bakery adventures, and taste tests that inspire my followers to embrace the joy of food in their everyday lives. Whether whipping up family-favorite treats or exploring bakeries and restaurants while traveling, from fun, kid-friendly snacks to impressive desserts.a delightful mix of heartwarming family moments, scrumptious recipes, and exciting culinary explorations. Let’s celebrate gluten together and
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
56.5% Men, 43.4% women - 69.3% between the age of 18-44
What brands have you worked with?
Family cookbook project, Vegums