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Samantha Heithaus | Entrepreneur, Business Owner, & Wellness-Lifestyle Content
Charleston, SC, United States
I am an entrepreneur and nutritionist. I love to put health as a priority, especially with my own skincare brand. I love to spend time with family, create new business relationships, and I'd love to promote your brand (as it aligns-pairs with my own). I majored in Nutrition & Dietetics, as well as devoured my food sciences courses. I live in Charleston/Summerville, SC, focus on family, nature, pets, nutrition-packed lifestyle. My target audience is made up of females in their 20's, 30's, & 40's who appreciate green living, health, and also surround pregnancy/children.
1 Instagram Story
I will use my Instagram stories to create a post showcasing your product and tagging the brand's instagram for exposure. (1-2 slides photos)
1 Instagram Reel
I will film a video highlighting the product, as well as share it to my Instagram stories
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will post a dedicated advertised post on your product and also highlight the post in my stories. This will also be shared to my facebook audience.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.