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Hannah Maria Barris | Entrepreneur, Productivity & Mindset Strategist, Tech & Lifestyle Creator
San Francisco, CA, United States
Barnard, Columbia grad. Ex-SpaceX. Now a Silicon Valley entrepreneur helping people unlock productivity, innovation, and success. I create high-impact content on tech, mindset, fashion, and lifestyle, making me a trusted partner for brands that value performance, creativity, and influence.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
Ambitious professionals, entrepreneurs, and tech-savvy leaders who are driven to optimize their productivity, mindset, and lifestyle. They value innovation, efficiency, and high-quality products, making them ideal consumers for premium brands in tech, fashion, and high-performance living.
What brands have you worked with?
I’ve partnered with brands like Magic Mind and am excited to collaborate with companies that align with my focus on productivity, innovation, and high-performance living.