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Maria | Hiking & Outdoor Travel Content Creator
Vancouver, BC, Canada
My name is Maria and I am based in Beautiful British Columbia. I am a self-proclaimed adventure enthusiast; the kind of person who would get on a plane to just about anywhere with little notice. It takes a lot for me to say no to an adventure no matter how remote, rugged, or last minute it may be. I am lucky enough to call two beautiful countries home. I was born in Bogota, Colombia and moved to Vancouver, Canada as a kid. I am fluent in Spanish and could spend every day on the beach eating tropical fruit, yet I am equally mesmerized by snowcapped mountains and the magic of changing seasons. I share stories from my past, present, and future adventures as well as my tips and tricks in the hope that I can inspire people to explore this wonderful world, or simply spend more time outdoors.
3 Instagram Stories
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December 2023
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December 2023
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