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Hollie Chamberlain | Fashion Beauty and Lifestyle Content Creator
Forster, NSW, Australia
I create short films, photography and tik tok/reels for brands and my fans providing my thoughts, ideas and tips about fashion, jewellery, beauty and adult content. I have been passionate about fashion since as long as I can remember and started creating content on Instagram when I was 14. As of September 2021 I decided to shut down my service sole trading business to focus on content creating and social media. I look forward to hearing from brands and discussing a potential trusting and supporting business relationship.
Love Hollie 😋
1 Instagram Story
1 story set posted once, will stay up for the 24hrs. Can use content on your own page.
$150 + product used in content for brand.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.