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Emily Abrahams | Pet Photographer, Educator & Traveller
Trier, RP, Germany
Along with my two professional Border Collie dog models, Loki and Journey, I am a professional pet photographer who teaches other pet photographers how to take and edit photos! My audience is located around the world, mainly in the USA, UK, and Europe. Majority women, pet and dog lovers. I also compete in dog agility and travel throughout Europe to dog competitions, and to simply explore and adventure with my dogs. I create beautiful, artistic pet portraits, but also more natural photos of pet products like collars, harnesses, beds, etc. I have professional equipment, lighting, etc, and know how to make photos shine. I have just started dabbling in more artistic videography!
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A photo in my style on my post, of my dogs using your product, whether that's a collar, harness, bed, jacket, etc. Full collaborative process to fulf…See More
3 Instagram Stories
I will create a short series of stories showing your product. Something like unboxing, trying it on and verdict, OR showcasing it while on an adventu…See More
1 Instagram Reel (90 Seconds)
I will make a video showcasing your product, however you like. It can be a genuine review, showing the unboxing and first use of the product, or some…See More
1 TikTok Video
1 UGC Product Video
I will create raw video footage that you can splice up and edit however you like. This is unedited footage. Generally, clients receive about 10 minut…See More
1 UGC Product Photo
A professional photo taken of your product, using professional equipment, lenses, lighting, and basic retouching.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
What brands have you worked with?
HeyPet, DogsLanding
Who is your audience?
Pet owners as well as pet photographers, mostly located in the UK, USA and Europe.