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Rachell Lee | Fashion and Lifestyle Content Creator
Atlanta, GA, United States
I’m a Korean-American female in my 20’s who loves to share effortless chic fashion looks and aesthetically pleasing lifestyle content. As someone who works from home, I use my platform to connect with others about the things I care about: “casual Instagram” lifestyle photo dumps, comfy and chic fashion looks, self-improvement, traveling, and trying new food. My content’s goal is to inspire other females in their 20s (Gen Z and baby millennials) to explore new fashion styles and become the baddest/highest versions of themselves.
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1 Instagram Reel promoting product or ad (Ex: 5 different ways to style this top from X)
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.