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Jane Sarchet | Food and adventure creator
Cornwall, DEV, United Kingdom
Hey I’m Jane!
My content journey started back in 2008 with my farm style food blog:
From there I retrained as a food photographer, then bought my campervan to create fun one-pot camping recipes on YouTube.
I have a 6 part TV on Amazon Prime, also called The Hedgecombers, and have shot images for various magazines, publications and websites.
1 UGC Blog
You can expect a bespoke recipe, with gorgeous, professionally shot images either using or inspired by your product/service.
* Please supply produ…See More
1 YouTube Video (90 Seconds)
Up to 90 second mention of your service/brand/product within a video.
Can be a recipe video, or a vlog style camping video.
* Please supply prod…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.