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Jessica Savage | Curvy, Confident, Mom Creator
Seven Valleys, PA, United States
Hi, I'm Jess! A bubbly plus size mom creator. I create content relatable to the everyday mom. From laundry hacks, quick dinner ideas, to what to wear as a plus size woman. I enjoy the perfect chaos that is motherhood while embracing my
own identity as a fun curvy creator.
1 Amazon Photo
A High quality photo of your product with a description attached.
1 Amazon Video (30 Seconds)
A 30 second video of your product to live on my storefront for 30 days. I will highlight the way I use the product in my everyday life.
1 Amazon Livestream (30 Minutes)
This will be a full 30 min set dedicated to your product. I will engage with the audience and answer any questions they have regarding the product. Y…See More
1 Instagram Story
A 15 second TikTok story video featuring your product. I will tag product in video directing them to your site for purchase.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A High quality photo of your product with an informative description, This will also include a tag to your brands page.
1 Instagram Reel (30 Seconds)
I will create a 30 second Instagram Reel showcasing your product. I will show your product in a real life setting. Caption description and brand tag …See More
1 TikTok Story
A 15 second TikTok story video featuring your product.
1 TikTok Video (30 Seconds)
A 30 second relatable video of how I use your product in my daily life. If product is available in TikTok shop I will tag product to video along with…See More
1 TikTok Live (30 Minutes)
A 30 min live product set of me demonstrating your product and answering questions from the audience.
1 UGC Product Video (30 Seconds)
A 30 second video showcasing how I use your product in my everyday life. Comes with 60 days usage rights across your personal socials.
3 UGC Product Photos
3 High Quality Photos of your product in a real life setting . Includes 60 days of usage rights across your socials.
1 UGC Video Ad (30 Seconds)
A UGC style add of your product. Highlighting how I use it in my everyday life. Comes with 60 days of usage rights.
1 YouTube Short (30 Seconds)
I will create a you tube short demonstrating the product and mentioning the brand. I will like the product to the description in the captions. Please…See More
1 YouTube Video (5 Minutes)
This will be a full product review video of your product. Including unboxing and product demonstrations. I will mention the brand during the video an…See More
1 YouTube Livestream (30 Minutes)
This will be a full 30 min set dedicated to your product. I will engage with the audience and answer any questions they have regarding the product. Y…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
What brands have you worked with?
Lume, Hyland, Deva Curl, Arm & Hammer, Bubbles Skin Care
Who is your audience?
30-45 yo Women In the United States. Plus Size women looking for fitness and fashion tips.