
Julia Frances | Spiritual Wellness
Dartmouth, NS, Canada
I am a Spiritual Healer and Coach. I have a very connective wellness community, whom are all into intuitive development and self help/self development. I post Spiritual Content to over 2,746 on Instagram and 900+ on TikTok as well as a Facebook group of 815 members.
3 Instagram Stories
3 Story Posts about the product and how I use it within my daily lifestyle.
1 Instagram Reel
1 Reel using the product/services, talking about it/sharing about it in a creative authentic way.
1 TikTok Video
1 TikTok Video using the product/wearing the product and talking about it with my community
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.