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Julie Tomlinson | Gen X Creator
New Orleans, LA, United States
I’m a self employed Realtor and discovered my love for UGC when I started my tik tok account last year. The purpose of the account was to educate other Realtors and provide valuable digital products. In doing this, I realized how much I enjoyed creating and editing videos. Now, I find myself wanting to spend most of my time creating content as opposed to selling real estate! I’ve raised my 3 beautiful daughters 100% on my own so I’ve always been extremely passionate about being creative when it comes to income and showing my daughters how to be a successful and independent woman. I’m an incredibly strong person and believe the most effective way to connect with people is by being “real,” authentic and honest.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
GenX moms and single parents who do it all; Entrepreneurs in the real estate industry;Women over 40 interested in anti-aging/beauty products and fashion
What brands have you worked with?
I started a tik tok account for real estate training a year ago and realized how much I enjoyed creating content. This led me to begin my UGC journey which is where I am now.