
Kelsiecosmic | Mental Health Advocate | Psychedelic & Spiritual Soul Sister
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
I'm Kelsie Cosmic, a cosmic illustrator from Melbourne, Australia. My creations focus on positive mental health messages and witchy spirituality. My audience is feminine, spiritual and love to go to raves, festivals and bushdoofs. They also love crystals, tarot & oracle decks, meditation & mindfulness, mushrooms & psychedelics and positive mental health affirmations.
1 Instagram Story
I will post a pic or video of your product and write a glowing review in my story. Product photography included
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will post a pic of your product with illustration accents and write a glowing review in the caption. Product photography included
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.