
Shane Keshia Cloete | Young Fashion Enthusiast
Washington, DC, United States
HEYY, My name is Kiesha, and i am a young fashion enthusiast! My niche is styling outfits with clothes and alot of accessories and that can be seen on my INSTAGRAM FEED- kiesha_miraj. I would love to be able to represent brands and products in a creative and well-versed way. I have over 4000 followers on Instagram, most of my engagement comes from stories which over 4K aswell, 40% international based and 60% US based. Ages 18-27
5 UGC Product Photos
If your product is relevant to my brand and product,in exchange for free product and price,I will take 5 photos using and showcasing your product.Alo…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.