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Laura Gouillon | AR/VR Director and TikTok Creator (@lauragouillon)
Montreal, QC, Canada
I’m Laura Gouillon, an immersive AR/VR director and TikTok creator (lauragouillon) based in Montreal. Originally from California, I leverage my background in computer science and immersive filmmaking from USC and USC’s School of Cinematic Arts to create fun interactive AR experiences and videos that express my vivid imagination, aesthetic sarcasm, and cinematic style.
My immersive work has been featured in various articles, including Techcrunch, TikTok, and XR Today. Culture writers at Mashable named me “Filter Queen” of TikTok. I’ve collaborated with brands across the tech, entertainment, gaming, fashion, social network, and education industries, including Coach, Prime Video, Adobe, TikTok, Genshin Impact, WEBTOON, and more.
1 TikTok Video
A creative TikTok video featuring product, custom filter, sound, filter(s), etc. Posted to @lauragouillon TikTok and Instagram. Link in bio for 72 ho…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
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