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La’Shyra Courtney | Content Creator/Dance Artist/Model
Atlanta, GA, United States
I'm a dance artist/athlete and content creator, I really enjoy photography and product photo shoots. Most of my content is centered around modeling and product shoots for dance and fashion/beauty products. I like to take a modern approach to my content, and I'm always experimenting with new styles!
1 Instagram Story
This package includes a 24 hour story post with tag/website link included. Please be sure to mention any other necessary details that you would like …See More
1 UGC Unboxing (60 Seconds)
This package includes a 60 second video of unboxing your product with initial reaction/review. This video can be used to post on Instagram via story/…See More
1 UGC Testimonial/Review (60 Seconds)
This package includes a 60 second video of a testimonial of your product. If there is anything specific that you would like the review to include, pl…See More
2 UGC Product Photos
This package includes two images featuring promoting your product in the style that you like. Images can be re-used on your Instagram story/feed as a…See More
1 UGC Video Ad (60 Seconds)
This package includes a 60 second video capturing your product that can be used to post on Instagram via story/feed as well as Tik Tok.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
What brands have you worked with?
Marla Studio, CareCup