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Liam Nachawati | Professional Race Driver Influencer and Creator in anything Motorsports
Dallas, TX, United States
My name is Liam Nachawati. I am a ten year old professional racer with expertise in karting and motorsports. I am also a kid influencer with expertise in sports brands and products, particularly motorsports, and I also create content and collaborate with major brands that include but are not limited to Underarmour, Raising Canes, Essentia, Sparco, and A1 Karting Simulator. I also work with apparel brands, sunglass companies, sports apparel brands, fitness products for kids, and anything dealing with sports, racing, fitness, apparel and motorsports.
1 Instagram Story
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1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A photo feed of me promoting your products featuring a trending song with optional subtitles. All content will be sent to you prior to posting for ap…See More
1 Instagram Reel (20 Seconds)
A high quality reel of me promoting your products featuring a trending song with optional subtitles. All content will be sent to you prior to posting…See More
1 UGC Product Photo
High quality photos of me promoting your products shot by a professional photographer. The source file will be sent to you with you retaining all rig…See More
1 UGC Product Video (30 Seconds)
A high quality video of me promoting your products. The source file will be sent to you with you retaining all rights to the source file..
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience consists of sporting brands, motorsports and racing brands, car brands, apparel and accessory companies, as well as health and wellness companies that include things like bottled water, energy drinks, sunglasses, shoes, motorsports parts and accessories, as well as gear for racers such as helmets, gloves, hans devices, race suits and shoes and sports undergarments. My audience consists primarily of males and a good minority of females, and kids and teenagers, as well as fans of sports, apparel, fashion, travel, motorsports, racing and karting enthusiasts.
What brands have you worked with?
Raising Canes, Essentia, Underarmour, Sparco, Bengio, Luckydesigns, Arai helmets, Gant Gloves, Parolin, and Four Seasons Punta Mita, and Wynn Resorts and hotel.